Kursleiterbericht "English Conversation" anlässlich der Mitgliederversammlung 2022

Liebe Mitglieder und an English Conversation Interessierte,

im Rahmen der Mitgliederversammlung am 29.10.2022 hatten wir die Gelegenheit, unsere Gruppen vorzustellen.
So habe ich gern auf deutsch zusammenfassend geschildert, wie vielfältig die Inhalte unseres Gesprächskreises sind. Die englische Fassung folgt hier.

Are you possibly interested in joining our English Conversation Group at Aka 55plus?

This is what it’s about:
We meet every second Monday at the office from 3:45 to 5:15 pm.
We are covering a wide range of topics in our discussions. To give a few examples:
We have analysed political texts taken from English or American magazines.
We read a novel together, with vocabulary support and a summary of each chapter.
We have dealt with songs, hymns, carols and poems.e.g., Gorman’s poem ’The Hills we climb.’
We enjoyed a pre-Christmas party and read the background story of a popular Xmas carol.
Participants were encouraged to get creative and to present texts or poems they had written.
And we had fun with jokes, played Categories or used The Big Verb Game to improve our
irregular verb competence.
We even went to Shamrock Irish Pub and took part in the Quiz Night.

So why don’t you give it a try and see what we are doing at the moment. The regulars are happy to welcome newcomers.

P.S. Your English need not be perfect to enjoy English Conversation.

With best regards, 

Juliane Heine, Zierenberg 07.10.2022